Attention all Blessed Sacrament Ladies! You are invited to join the Christian Women Society! Meetings (only 4) are held after the 7:30 mass on the 1st Sunday of each month Sept, Oct, April, and May. Our President Suzanne Mikolajczyk leads our meetings in prayer and fellowship. The cost is minimal. Dues are $5.00 and a donation is collected for the breakfast.
With the money raised from the December Bake sale, we have supported “Catholic Charities”. At our April meeting “Baby Shower” items are brought to support “Birth Right” and donations are given to the Layette Project. A book is chosen every year to review at one of our meetings. Our May meeting is dedicated to the Blessed Mother with the traditional May crowning.
We have given generous contributions to support our parish church and pastor. Please come join us and show you are proud to be a Christian Woman.
If you are interested in joining Christian Women, please contact our president Suzanne Mikolajczyk or join us the first Sunday of the month at the 7:30 mass and breakfast to follow.
President: Suzanne Mikolajczyk
Vice President: Shelly Lenda
Secretary: Joanne Beck
Treasurer: Barbara Piotrowski
Sunshine Chair: Cindy Gaffney